An oasis to feel good and relax
Enjoy your stay in our vacation apartments in the Erlental, because a house is more than just a roof over your head
Veronika and Bernhard Platz
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House and surroundings
Our house is located in Wißmar, a part of Wettenberg. The village has about 5000 inhabitants and is located about 7 km north of Gießen.
Wißmar is a residential community consisting of an older village center and a new development area. North of the village is about 1 km outside the small settlement of Erlental with a restaurant which is often visited by walkers and cyclists on weekends.
There directly at the edge of the forest next to the old forester's lodge are our vacation apartments.
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Our two apartments are perfectly suitable for
With a lot of commitment, we want to constantly improve our service to achieve one thing:
Your satisfied smile at departure!

What is there to discover?
Leisure opportunities
Sports activities
Cultural activities
Cultural activities
Wißmar and surroundings
The lake of Wißmar
View over Wißmar to castle Gleiberg
Wanderwege im Wißmarer Forst